Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Bikini Fitness athlete Kristin Winnergård: How do I train

Bikini Fitness athlete Kristin Winnergård: How do I train

Popular Fitnessprofilen Kristin Winnergård has over 50 000 followers on Instagram, where she inspires others with her training. She knows what it takes to start competing in Bikni Fitness!

Kristin Winnergård, 30, works on a daily basis as a marketing coordinator and spends a large part of her free time working out. Two years ago she debuted in her first bikini fitness competition and last year she came first in her class on the heavier Classic. Now she has the goal set to SM!

What made you get stuck for just bikini fitness?

"I have always been working seriously in various sports like art skating and football, so it became natural to embark on that road when I ended up with other sports and started to find the love for strength," says Kristin Winnergård, who blogs about her training here.

What do you love about training?

"What I like is the challenges that it means to compete, both physically and mentally, and that you can never be finished with the development of your physique and your physical abilities. I have always been very interested in the body and its functions, the interaction between our inner and outer and how we can influence the body's design through conscious choices of what we eat and how we move. It really fascinates me tremendously. The mental challenge of overcoming itself time and time again, despite doubts in periods, is very rewarding in many ways and I am constantly evolving as a human being. This combination is really what I am passionate about to learn more about for every day that goes,

What are your best tips for those who feel tempted by bikini fitness?

Kristin Winnergård has won several medals when she competed in bikini fitness.

"First of all, it's important that you've been practicing for a while and that it's the funniest thing you know! Body building Competition and fitness is an extreme sport based on hard training and mental strength. If you love that piece, the contestants will come naturally.

What do you have more for advice?

– My main advice is not to be in a hurry to start competing, as the trend that is now unfortunately contributed to some having a race in sight before they even found the love of basic training. I would advise everyone who wants to compete to go and peek at some competitions, talk to others who compete to learn more about the sport, find a good and experienced mentor who competed a lot himself and then be curious about the body and bud. You can never get too much knowledge! It's a fantastic sport to deal with, although it is very demanding when it approaches competition, but it is important with knowledge and experience when you compete with the body as a tool and bet.

What does a regular training week look like for you?

– Generally speaking, I train six days per week with a day of rest. A normal week I train two to three leg with different structure each time in terms of muscles in focus, rehearsals and sets. Then I put two passes for the upper body and an interval workout, or a yoga class. During pre-competition periods, a pass cardio, one or two strength passes with lower weights and higher number of repetitions or sets per day is added. The main difference between the race season or not is that it goes from "only" one strength pass per day to a strength pass and a cardio session divided into one day. It may sound a lot, but I love to train so I thrive as the fish in the water during both periods!

If you just got to train an exercise the rest of life, what would it be and why?

– If I have to choose, it will be the outcome with dumbbells because it trains the legs, back, trunk stability. When you hold dumbbells you also exercise grip strength and arms. The exercise is also pounding depending on intensity and weight, because you are in motion and it activates large muscle groups so it is simply good for fitness and strength.

What practice do you have a love of hate for?

Bikini Fitness athlete Kristin Winnergård

– Hip thrusts because it is extremely heavy, but also pays dividends accordingly. I would never skip it precisely because it activates gluteusmuskulaturen, thus the butt, but it is with a little anxiety I peek at it if it is on today's schedule.

What does an ordinary matdag look like for you?

– I eat six meals a day including four bigger, a healthy snack and an evening meal. I eat "clean food" during the days of the week, regardless of competition bet or not. I have Saturdays as a free day to be able to spend time with friends and family over dinners and other spontaneous activities. I love healthy food, so it means that even the Saturdays are made up of this even if something useless of course slips down. You are not more than human, right?

What do you eat when you want to treat yourself to something good?

"I love to find useful alternatives for" matmyset "on weekends. Current favorites are fruits in all its forms, berries, nuts, cucumbers and carrots with dip made of mini-cremé fraiche along with the organic condiment mixes from Spicemaster, which have neither additives nor sugar. Instead of chocolate, I have found a bar from Maxim that I can really recommend, crispy chocolate is called it and tastes really good! Since I love ice cream it can be no such as well, but I have fortunately found a useful option even there in the form of Add Icecream which I really think is extremely good. A grilled piece or fish, potatoes or baked potatoes and a mixed salad is also something I love.

What is your best tip to get the training done this summer when bathing and sun curls?

"Instead of thinking about why you shouldn't train, my tip is to turn it over to why should you train? When you remember the root cause, it's easier to get the little time it actually takes. Then I think that many people's "all or nothing" mentality often can make two workouts per week feel unnecessarily during the holidays, if you don't have time for the four that you usually do. Everything is better than nothing and continuity gives the results in the long run!

Good pepper! Do you have any purely practical tips to share?

Yes! Do not forget that it is easy to activate yourself out in the sun, for example, you can run a 30-minute Taba-pass or Circle pass out on the lawn. All physical activity that is pounding and physically challenging is counted, so play football with the kids on the lawn, basketball with friends or why not try new fitness when you are on the move? Most of the time, you get to work out when you come to a new gym and new environments often give good inspiration. Be kind to yourself and make a plan with how many passes you can catch more during a good, and a bad week and take out a cut. Decide that you should hold these appointments with yourself and keep your training for the sake of health. Even if it sounds cliché, you never regret a pass afterwards and 30 to 60 minutes a few days per week, the majority of us, that is the priority that is missing. Let your imagination limit and don't forget it's an investment in yourself!

Bikini Fitness athlete Kristin Winnergård

Bikini Fitness athlete Kristin Winnergård

Bikini Fitness athlete Kristin Winnergård

Bikini Fitness athlete Kristin Winnergård