Ashley Losee, this American beauty is really impressive!
I actually began my fitness journey as a New Years Resolution in 2013. I had no experience whatsoever and I never played any kind of sports adamantly growing up. I finally decided that I wanted more for myself; I wanted a challenge in my life and to have something to focus and continuously work on. I had no idea what I was doing when I first walked into a gym, but I kept my diligence and figured it out one day at a time. I quickly became impressed with girls I would see on Instagram that competed, particularly women that competed in figure. Starting from there, I made friends with people locally that competed, did hours and hours of research on proper nutrition and training, as well as learning about the NPC. I committed myself to the idea but I was also realistic. I knew that with my current physique, I would not have been ready. I trained for an entire year before I entered my first figure competition in May of 2014. The rest is history.
Ashley has a gorgeous body. Among the sexiest figure girls around!